NVHC Needs COFFEE! COFFEE = Creators of Fun For Everyone’s Entertainment Who likes having fun? We do! Our Youth Engagement and Education Committee (YEEC) wants to invite all fun-lovin’ folks with children at home (ages 0-18) to help us imagine safe in-person adventures we can have in 2021 and beyond! Uno tournament? Stroller stroll? Kvetch […]
All NVHC members are welcome to join us and discuss the budget for the funds that we raised this year during the Tikkun Olam Campaign. This meeting will take place […]
Sponsored by NVHC Cares and our NOVA ChaiWays team, Margaret O'Reilly (bio below) joins us for a discussion that will include: Considerations of long term care planning When doing traditional […]
Join Kol Shirah, our adult choir! Click here to learn more. These rehearsals will take place in person at NVHC. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Cantor Susan Caro.