Genealogy as a DNA Tool

Last year, NVHC hosted two extremely popular and well attended educational sessions on genealogy. Based on the feedback from those two sessions, we are happy to announce round two! On […]

You Have Developed a Family History – Now What?

Last year, NVHC hosted two extremely popular and well attended educational sessions on genealogy. Based on the feedback from those two sessions, we are happy to announce round two! On […]

Pita Making with Cantor Caro to Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut

Learn to bake your own Pita and celebrate Yom Ha’atzma-ut (Israel’s Independence Day) with great taste! What better way to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day than with your own fresh-baked pita! And pita is only best with something to dip it in, so join Cantor Caro for an online, hands-on baking experience in your own kitchen. We […]