In the Torah, when Moses brought the Israelites to the border of the Promised Land, he realizes the work is not complete. The community is strong, and so he says,

Atem Nitzavim.” We stand together.

Everyone here today must stand up and carry this community forward into the future.

$3 Million Campaign

$2.1 Million – Pay Off Mortgage

  • $152,000 of annual savings will support strategic priorities:
  • Deepen relationships with current congregants.
  • Welcome new congregants.
  • Expand outreach to the wider Jewish Community.

$650,000 – Facility Improvements

  • Beautify our building entrance and improve accessibility.
  • Revitalize and expand our playground.
  • Build outdoor gathering spaces.
  • A multi-year, multi-phase project.

$250,000 – Plan for Future

  • Provide seed funding for the next campaign, just as the last campaign did for this one.




Rabbi Ashley Barrett and Jon Keilholz

Cathy and Mark Baum

Francine Beifeld

Harvey and Janice Berger

Sandra Blumberg

David and Ellen Brewer

Matthew and Miriam Brodie

John and Lisa Bull

Ed and Sandee Byrne

Calem Family

Cantor Susan Caro and John Lertzman

Kenneth and Rachel Coelho

Andy and Susan Cohen

Don Copley

Alan Dappen and Sara Scherr

Robert and Gail Dezube

Jeff and Tracy Dlott

Stuart Dornfeld and Emily Booth-Dornfeld

Eric and Elizabeth Eisenstadt

Robert and Shirley Finkelstein

Michael and Carol Flicker

Lisa Folb and Eric Eldridge z’l

Eric and Karen Forman

Esther Friedman

Ben Galison and Sabrina Hollander

Rabbi Rosalind Gold

David and Ruth Goldberger

Ellen Goldman and Mitchell Robinson

Mort and Deborah Goldstrom

Steve and Linda Gordon

Al and Lynne Groff

Jordan Gross and Erin Allen

Stephen and Louise Hershkowitz

David Hettler and Carola Seiz Hettler

Carla and David z’l Heymsfeld

Don and Nell Hirsch

David and Meryl Hirschland

Rabbi Michael Holzman and Nicole Saffel-Holzman

Leslie and Hunter Hutchens

Rachel Ingber and Michael Schwartz

Bert and Gina Katz

Ian Katz and Maria Andreotta

Larry and Elizabeth Katzman

Valerie and Adam Kerns

Michael and Eleanor Kitces

Mary and Ted Kornreich

Jeff Kramer

Jim and Michelle Kranzberg

Nancy Kruger

Andy and Elizabeth Lacher

Ken and Kathy Laskey

Lori Lefcourt and Dave McCue

Charles and Barbara Leven

Michael Lipsky and Mariette Newcomb

Steven and Ruth Lipson

Kevin and Vicki Luman

Debby and Michael Maxwell

Brad and Risa May

Melanie and Andrew Meren

Ira and Miriam Merin

Joe Miller and Martha Kimes

Sandy Mitchell

Howard and Heidi Mitnick

Judy Naiman

Romy and Steve Nathan

Peggy Nelson

Hana Newcomb and Jon Groisser

Frank and Gretchen Newman

Jennifer and Steven Nossal

Jim Olkin

Mitch and Abbe Pascal

Meryl and Robert Paskow

Howard and Linda Perlstein

David Pontell and Ellyn Krause-Pontell

Ellen and Richard Ranard

Judy Ratliff

Allan and Barbara Ratner

Mary Ann and Jeff Ressin

Rose Family

Rose Foundation

Marc Rosenberg and Ruth Imershein

Anne and Ted Rosenblum

Ron and Rhonda Rubin

Paula Rubinoff and Harry Feldman z’l

Robert and Ellen Rugel

Seymour Samuels

Joanne Schamest and Ronald Wallos

Irene and Henry Schiffman

Sam and Lisa Schwall

Larry and Lisa Schwartz

Judy Selberg

David Selden and Julie Wallick

Marsha and Rachael Sheinman

Sy and Roberta Sherman

Silver Line

Jay Silverberg

Marvin and Karen Singer

Alexandra and Nathan Sleeper

Arnold and Natalie Small

Helen Smith

Deb Smith-Cohen

Larry and Deede z’l Snowhite

Andrew Stein and Kim Arnstine

Phyllis Stein

Robert and Eileen Stein

Jane Torman

Patrick and Kristen Towbin

Rebecca and Eric Trager

Susan Trivers

Alexander Ukoh

Lauryn and Chris Watanabe

Robert Wein

Howard and Carolyn Wesoky

Kelly and Ruth Ann Whalen

Michael and Kristina Wheatman

Hilary and Jonathan Wilkenfeld

Stu Williger

Evelyn and Sam Wilson

Women of NVHC

Carl and Laura Zelman