NVHC’s Brotherhood is dedicated to serving the needs of our congregation as well as supporting our youth and the Jewish community. The men of Brotherhood act as NVHC’s “first responders” in times of temple needs. We can always be counted on to provide a helping hand!
Our Programs
Gift Card Program
Around holiday times, Brotherhood runs the NVHC gift card program, through which you can purchase gift cards at their normal value, and some of the proceeds come back to support the NVHC communtiy! If you need a gift car, consider Brotherhood first. For more information, email the ShowClick Here to View Contact Information.
Sunday Family Breakfast & Bagel Express
As a Brotherhood fundraiser, Sunday Family Breakfasts are offered once a month during the school year. For a modest charge, Brotherhood serves up omelets to order, pancakes, bagels and schmear, fresh fruit, and a good cup o’ joe! Check the NVHC calendar and the weekly email for upcoming dates.
Every Sunday morning that there is Kehillat Limmud, we also serve up bagels and coffee to parents, students, and anyone who needs to grab a quick bite to eat! Visit Bagel Express in the Sanctuary lobby.
Purim Carnival
Games, games, games and prizes, prizes, prizes! Purim is the holiday that plays hard! Brotherhood helps organizes the annual Purim Carnival with plenty of action for everyone. Have a hamantaschen or three! Win a stuffed animal or some flashy beads! And watch out for that wicked Haman! He could be anywhere!
Marc Bachman Award
The Marc Bachman Award was established by Brotherhood in memory of the late Marc Bachman to honor congregants who, through their commitment to the synagogue and their personal attributes, reflect the qualities and high moral standards of Judaism. Brotherhood will announce when nominations are open for this very special award.
Purchasing Gift Cards
Via the Shop with Scrip website individuals order gift cards and pay face value for the cards with a check sent to Brotherhood. Brotherhood delivers or mails the gift cards within a week or so. Individuals can use the gift cards as they would any gift card. Some of the participating retailers include Giant, Safeway, Amazon, Starbucks, Target, etc. The NVHC community receives a percentage back which ranges from 4-14%. You can also make purchases in real-time via an electronic fund transfer.
It’s easy. Simply register on the Shop with Scrip web site (https://www.shopwithscrip.com) using enrollment code 2C89B4AL6659. Orders are processed on the second and last Tuesdays of each month and will be available for pickup during religious school on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Using the Shop with Scrip you may choose from dozens of different retailers and you can reload some merchants’ gift cards.
The Shop with Scrip web site also offers an online payment service called PrestoPay. Payments are deducted directly from the customer’s checking account, and the only charge incurred for the service is a $0.39 convenience fee per order. This is less than the cost of a stamp or of driving to the temple.
Online payment allows reloads to be processed sooner and affords you the option of having your order mailed directly to you ($500 limit). The account setup process takes about three business days.