Board of Trustees


President: Elizabeth Lacher

Executive Vice President: Lisa Folb

Vice President for Development: Elizabeth Lacher (acting)

Vice President for Programming and Committees: Ruth Ann Whalen

Vice President for Engagement: Ruth Ann Whalen (acting)

Treasurer: Ben Galison

Secretary: Deb Smith-Cohen


Bob Fenster

Mort Goldstrom

Jordan Gross

Andrew Harris

Wendy Kantor

Bert Katz

Kathy Laskey

Kevin Luman

Peggy Nelson

Frank Newman

Jim Rose

Joanne Schamest

Joe Scholnick

Rebecca Trager

Alex Ukoh

Risa May – Immediate Past President

Committees at NVHC

Want to get involved? Click on any of the Committees listed below for more information; the person to contact is listed and would be happy to hear from you! Click here for a downloadable list of all of our committees and groups.

Unsure where to start? Click here to fill out a simple form that will tell us more about you and someone will reach out to you with more information.



An organization of men dedicated to serving the needs of our congregation, supporting our temple youth, and supporting the Jewish community. Sponsors Sunday morning Bagel Express, supports periodic special programs, acts as ushers during the High Holy Days, and sponsors the annual school Purim festivities.

Contact: Bob Fenster, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

NVHC Cares (Caring Committee)

Helps celebrate joyful beginnings when a congregant has a new baby and other simchas, and offers solace and support through difficult times such as  illness, surgery, or a death in the family by providing cards, meals, challah, and supportive calls. NVHC Cares has several active teams who provide specific types of support to members in need (see below). If you are interested in helping or need support, please contact the chair (below).

  • Calls – Volunteers each take two-week rotations throughout the year to make calls to congregants who have a celebration or need support. 
  • Cards – We send a card to congregants when they are experiencing short- or long-term illness, bereavement, or celebrating a life-event like a birth, adoption, or conversion.
  • Challah – We have a team of volunteers ready to deliver a challah so that congregants can observe Shabbat even when experiencing short-term illness, bereavement, or the addition of a family member. 
  • ChaverimThese are volunteers who provide more extended companionship to members of our community who need visits from an occasional friendly face. 
  • Chevrah Kadisha – This team helps families in mourning arrange funerals, Shiva minyans, and follow-up.  
  • Meals – This team of volunteers responds to a request to provide meals to congregants who need help making sure that their family is fed during short- or long-term illness. 
  • Rides – We have volunteers at the ready to help our community get to events at the synagogue.

Contact: Lisa Folb, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

NVHC Change (Social Action Committee)

Supports NVHC’s commitment to make our community and the world a better place (tikkun olam) by enabling and enhancing NVHC’s participation in social justice, service, advocacy, and learning, and facilitates partnerships with other community organizations such as Cornerstones, VOICE, and the JCRC. NVHC Change has several active teams working on specific initiatives (see below). If you are interested in joining the NVHC Change mailing list to receive updates on our Social Action initiatives, contact the chair.

Contact: Ellen Ranard, Chair, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Chibur Committee

The Chibur (“connection”) Committee is NVHC’s young adult outreach program. Puts together care packages and helps maintain connections between NVHC and college students, students staying away from home, post-college students, young adults in the military, etc.

Contact: Ruth Ann Whalen, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Engagement Committee

Sponsors programs and coordinates initiatives to help all congregants, new and old, deepen connections within the NVHC community.

Contact: Ruth Ann Whalen, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Golf League

Organizes golf outings in a league format.

Contact: Open Position, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Invisible Illness & Disabilities Support Group

A peer-led virtual support group who meets once per month to help people find support and connect with one another, and who also work to help make NVHC more welcoming to all.

Contact: Jenn Topscher, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Mah Jongg

For mah jongg players of any age or experience level. Organizes bimonthly games for NVHC members; game cards and sets are provided.

Contact: Risa May, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

MaZel Chav

MaZel Chav seeks to build community among Millennial and Gen Z congregants. We plan monthly game nights and other fun activities.

Contact: Jordan Gross, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information


(pronounced like “adolescence”) For people who are in the middle-aged period of life, roughly between 40 and 60. Attends/hosts a wide variety of events to help people make connections and find their own rhythm again in this often difficult stage of life.

Contact: Laurie Levine, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Photography Club

Offers monthly opportunities, along with speakers and special programs, to help members develop skills, utilize those skills, share their work, and get advice on all sorts of photography.

Contact: Mort Goldstrom, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Plant Forward

A group for those who are interested in eating more plant-based foods, exploring various plant-based diets, or just learning more about this way of eating. The group hosts bimonthly lunches and other occasional events.

Contact: Debbie Friedman & Ellen Goldman, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information


Queer Torah study group that meets once each month on Shabbat morning to study Torah and talk about the intersections between Judaism and LGBTQ+ life. Open to all.

Contact: Gershom Young, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Rebuilding Democracy Project

Seeks to engage NVHC members and others to rebuild democracy by creating a space for open and honest conversation, inviting engaging and relevant speakers, and inspiring action.

Contact: Rabbi Michael G. Holzman, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Silver Line

Provides monthly dinners and other activities for congregants aged 55+.

Contact: Marsha Sheinman, Chair, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Women of NVHC

Supports and furthers the highest ideals of Judaism and the goals of NVHC by promoting camaraderie, esprit de corps, spirituality, and participation in tikkun olam – repairing the world – within our congregation and the greater community.

Contact: Peggy Nelson, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Worship & Music

Adult Choir - Kol Shirah

 Sings at High Holy Days and other times during the year at services and in concert.

Contact: Cantor Susan Caro, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Worship Committee

Works with the clergy on matters related to worship services. Sponsors clergy-led classes that explore Jewish prayer and worship.

Contact: Susan Trivers, Chair, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information


Distinguished Speaker Series

Arranges for scholars, journalists, and public figures to speak at NVHC’s Speaker Series Program.

Contact: Eric Forman, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Kehilat Limmud & Tamid (Religious School)

Judaics and Hebrew instruction for grades Pre-K-12, including Torah Corps (B’nai Mitzvah preparation), Confirmation classes, and teen programming.

Contact: Rabbi Ashley Barrett, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Lifelong Learning (Adult Education)

NVHC offers classes and discussion groups on a wide variety of topics including Torah study, Hebrew, other texts, Mussar, Israel, ethics, and more.

Contact: Rabbi Ashley Barrett, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Youth Engagement & Education Committee

Supports all youth programs and religious school for any child ages 0-18 and the adults that come with them, collaborates with the education team, and recommends religious school policies.

Contact: Kevin Luman, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information


Art Committee

Acquires and displays the artwork that beautifies NVHC.

Contact: Nancy Kruger, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

The Boutique at NVHC

Offers an array of Judaica, including ritual objects, jewelry, mezuzot, B’nai Mitzvah gifts, items for Chanukah and Passover. Operated by Women of NVHC volunteers during Sunday school hours or by appointment.

Contact: Fay Gubin and Lisa Folb, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Building & Grounds

Identifies required maintenance and repairs of the synagogue building and grounds and assists the Executive Director in soliciting and supervising the service providers that conduct maintenance and capital improvements.

Contact: Open position; Joe Miller ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Finance Committee

Submits yearly operating budget to the Board of Trustees, reviews monthly financial performance, and prepares long-range financial planning for the congregation.

Contact: Judith Naiman, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Technology Committee

Proposes policy, sets priorities, and develops plans for the management and evolution of the congregation’s technology infrastructure.

Contact: Bruce Johnson and Stu Williger, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information


Governance Committee

Reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on procedures and policies regarding governance of NVHC.

Contact: Ellen Ranard, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Personnel Committee

Supports the performance review process for professional staff and maintains the Personnel Handbook.

Contact: Hana Newcomb, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information

Pulpit Committee

Serves as liaison between the clergy and the congregation.

Contact: Eric Eisenstadt, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information