
Intermediate Hebrew II

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Wednesdays, 12 weeks, April 21-July 7 7:30-8:30pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginner-Intermediate Hebrew or equivalent. Proficient with Hebrew vocabulary and basic grammar skills. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. In this class, we will continue to work on our reading fluency and learn more complex Hebrew […]


Advanced Hebrew

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Thursdays, 12 weeks, April 22-July 8 6:30-7:30pm (please note that on 5/20 and 5/27, this class will take place at 6:00pm) $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Intermediate Hebrew II, Prayer Hebrew II, or equivalent. Students should be comfortable with reading Hebrew and have intermediate knowledge of Hebrew grammar. Registration is […]


Advanced Hebrew

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Thursdays, 12 weeks, April 22-July 8 6:30-7:30pm (please note that on 5/20 and 5/27, this class will take place at 6:00pm) $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Intermediate Hebrew II, Prayer Hebrew II, or equivalent. Students should be comfortable with reading Hebrew and have intermediate knowledge of Hebrew grammar. Registration is […]

Congregational Conversation: How We Talk about Israel and Palestine

Join us IN PERSON IN OUR SANCTUARY for a congregational conversation on "How we Talk about Israel and Palestine." Registration is required; please see your NVHC email for the registration link. The facts on the ground in the Middle East are intricate and difficult, and they are further complicated by the discourse here in the […]