
The History, Structure, and Meaning of Jewish Prayer

Taught by Andrew Stein, on Zoom Sundays, below, 9:30-10:30 Click here to register! The late Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz wrote that the Talmud was “the central pillar supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice of Jewish life.” This 10-part course will speak to the origins of Jewish prayer in the Hebrew Bible, rabbinical literature, and subsequent […]


Intermediate & Advanced Hebrew – Prayer & Biblical

Sundays, 7-8pm12 weeks, beginning February 27ON ZOOM ONLY $132 – members, $185 – non-members Textbook: Aleph Isn’t Enough Registration is required. Click here to register! Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew II or equivalent. Knowledge of […]


Beginning Hebrew – Modern

Mondays, 6-7pm12 weeks, beginning February 28 ON ZOOM ONLY $132 – members, $185 – non-members Textbook: Aleph Isn’t Tough Registration is required. Click here to register! You’re about to start learning Hebrew and […]