3rd-12th grade Minecraft Chanukah Celebration

Join us once again in the digital world of Minecraft, this time to celebrate Hanukkah! We'll be together on one server to chat and show off our creations. This event […]

Let’s Kvetch! A Program for Religious School Parents

LET’S KVETCH! We have all had a year!  This virus has been devastating to our society, our economy and our mental stability. We have lost loved ones, watched friends and family suffer and many of us have been sick as well. Along with illness and fear, this beast of a virus has been a big […]


NVHC Needs COFFEE! COFFEE = Creators of Fun For Everyone’s Entertainment Who likes having fun? We do! Our Youth Engagement and Education Committee (YEEC) wants to invite all fun-lovin’ folks with children at home (ages 0-18) to help us imagine safe in-person adventures we can have in 2021 and beyond! Uno tournament? Stroller stroll? Kvetch […]



Proof of vaccination is required for all in-person programs. Click here to learn more. Tamid is our post-B’nai Mitzvah program for students in grades 8-12! Click here to learn more.