
Introduction to Judaism

This class is a broad introduction to the ideas, history, and philosophy of Judaism. Open to all, this course is perfect for interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and Jews who want a meaningful adult Jewish learning experience. This class is taught through the Union for Reform Judaism. Click here for […]

Simchat Torah & Consecration Celebration

Today we come together as a congregation and celebrate the gift and cycle of Torah! Simchat Torah marks the end of the annual Torah reading cycle - we will unroll the entire Torah, read the last verses of Deuteronomy, and then immediately read the first verses of Genesis. We will also dance and carry the […]

Contemplative Shabbat Sustenance

Our Shabbat Sustenance experience this Shabbat morning will be a contemplative, musical, and prayerful opportunity to pause from our busy routines, from the distractions of the week, to regain space, breath, and focus.

Torah Reading Shabbat Sustenance

We will begin our Shabbat morning experience with sustenance for the body – bagels and shmear, coffee and tea.  From there, we will enter into soul-filled sustenance, that may vary some from week to week, including mindful experiences of prayer, music, meditation or yoga. The remainder of our time together with be sustenance for the […]

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Shabbat Sustenance

This Shabbat Sustenance is a particularly special one as we celebrate a group of adult members of our congregation who are becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah! Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a declaration of commitment to a life of Jewish learning and living as an individual and as an active and contributing member of the […]