
Introduction to Judaism

This class is a broad introduction to the ideas, history, and philosophy of Judaism. Open to all, this course is perfect for interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, […]

Simchat Torah & Consecration Celebration

Today we come together as a congregation and celebrate the gift and cycle of Torah! Simchat Torah marks the end of the annual Torah reading cycle - we will unroll […]

Contemplative Shabbat Sustenance

Our Shabbat Sustenance experience this Shabbat morning will be a contemplative, musical, and prayerful opportunity to pause from our busy routines, from the distractions of the week, to regain space, […]

Torah Reading Shabbat Sustenance

We will begin our Shabbat morning experience with sustenance for the body – bagels and shmear, coffee and tea.  From there, we will enter into soul-filled sustenance, that may vary […]

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Shabbat Sustenance

This Shabbat Sustenance is a particularly special one as we celebrate a group of adult members of our congregation who are becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah! Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah […]