Talmud of the High Holy Days Elul Study
Prepare the mind and soul for the Holy Days with the study of key portions of the two tractates dedicated to this season.
Prepare the mind and soul for the Holy Days with the study of key portions of the two tractates dedicated to this season.
ON ZOOM Tuesdays, 10/19, 11/30, 12/14, 1/18, 2/10, 4/19, 5/10, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. *Please note the class on 12/14 will begin at 7:00pm. Last year, we studied Volume 1 of Rabbi Joseph Telushkin's Code of Jewish Ethics, a gateway to the numerous things Jewish text, tradition, and culture have to say about how […]
ON ZOOM Wednesdays, 11/10, 12/8, 1/5, 2/2, 4/6 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom One of the most fascinating sections of Talmud is the in depth discussion about the 5th commandment: “Honor Thy Father and Mother.” In this passage our tradition explores the obligations between children and parents (and grandparents). It is also a […]