
Comparative Diaspora

Taught by Andrew Stein Sundays, October 20, 27; November 10, 17; December 8, 15; January 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23; April 6, 27; May 4, 18 9:15-10:30am, in person and on Zoom Synopsis: Many American Jews, though not all, trace their roots to ancestors who came to the […]


Handcrafting Social Hour

January 12, 26; February 9, 23; March 9, 23; April 6, 27 10:00am-12:00pm, in person only Calling all knitting, crochet, and handcrafting friends! Join fellow congregants in a handcrafting social hour from 10:00am-12:00pm in […]