Erev Shabbat Service – ONLINE ONLY

Join us every Friday to celebrate Shabbat - to sit back, take a breath, and truly pause to enjoy the peace that is this weekly gift. To learn more about Shabbat at NVHC, click here. Can't make it to services? Live stream them! We are pleased to offer live streaming of all of our Erev […]

Erev Shabbat Service with Board Installation

Join us every Friday to celebrate Shabbat - to sit back, take a breath, and truly pause to enjoy the peace that is this weekly gift. To learn more about […]

Artist-in-Residence: Rabbi Noam Katz

Friday April 22nd, 7:oopm - Erev Shabbat Service (In person & on Zoom) Saturday April 23rd, 9:30am - Shabbat Sustenance "Song & Text Study: Hope, Healing and Perseverance" (In person) […]

Sharing our Eastern European Journey

Join Cantor Caro at 7 p.m. on Zoom for a deeper look at and discussion of her recent unique journey with our congregation to Poland and Prague. She will share […]