S’mores and Singing in the Sukkah

Join us for S’mores and Singing in the Sukkah, open to all! We will enter into this joyous time together while enjoying s’mores and singing under the stars as we celebrate Sukkot together. Feel free to bring an instrument to jam with us!

Simchat Torah & Consecration Celebration

Today we come together as a congregation and celebrate the gift and cycle of Torah! Simchat Torah marks the end of the annual Torah reading cycle - we will unroll the entire Torah, read the last verses of Deuteronomy, and then immediately read the first verses of Genesis. We will also dance and carry the […]


Blue Jean Finally Friday Shabbat

After too much food on Thanksgiving, put on your comfortable blue jeans and join us for a relaxing Shabbat evening. And if you have room, register and stay for a […]

Chanukah Boutique

This year’s Chanukah Boutique will feature lots of wonderful gifts including jewelry, Judaica, toys by Melissa and Doug, and many other terrific finds!  To see more of what we have […]