
Emanuel Levinas’ Nine Talmudic Readings

Explore the ideas of one of modern Judaism’s greatest philosophers. These nine readings of the Talmud simultaneously allow the classic Jewish texts to shed light on contemporary problems while letting modern problems illuminate the text.

Sisterhood Goes to the Movies

Come with us to the Northern Virginia Jewish Film Festival! Cinema Arts Theater 9650 Main Street, Fairfax, VA   Purchase tickets individually and then RSVP to Julie Galton - by October 31, so we know who's coming.   We plan to have lunch afterwards at Artie's Restaurant, less than 2 miles away.   Purchase tickets […]

Great Texts of America Shabbat Sustenance

One of the cornerstones of our Rebuilding Democracy Project, Great Texts of America gives us the opportunity to study the foundational texts of our country using the same skills and […]

Forest Edge Food Pack

Help feed hungry kids! Join us once a month to pack weekend food bags for kids at Forest Edge Elementary school who are on free and reduced lunch. Learn more […]