NoVTY Jr Hangout

Take some time to hang out, catch up, and play some fun online games with your NVHC friends! NoVTY Jr Jr is our youth group for 6th & 7th graders. To learn more and to get the Zoom link, please email Youth Engagement Coordinator Sam Blum.

3rd-12th grade Minecraft Chanukah Celebration

Join us once again in the digital world of Minecraft, this time to celebrate Hanukkah! We'll be together on one server to chat and show off our creations. This event […]

NoVTY Jr Recess!

Join us on Saturday 5/15 for NoVTY Jr Recess! This will be an awesome chance to enjoy all of your favorite schoolyard activities, from sidewalk chalk and hula hoops to four-square and relay races! We are so excited to welcome our 6th and 7th graders for this fun time safely together in the NVHC parking […]

Minecraft Sukkot – for 3rd-12th graders

Back by popular demand is our Minecraft programming series, designed and run by teens like you! 3rd-12th graders are invited to join on Zoom from 3:30 to 4:45 on Saturday, […]

NoVTY Jr Trip to UltraZone

Our 6th & 7th graders go on an epic adventure to FunZone! More information forthcoming. Time TBD.