Make a Sukkah in Minecraft

**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email for more information.** This Sukkot, we're going to be building our […]


Kehillat Limmud (Religious School)

**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email for more information.** Kehillat Limmud is our religious school program for […]

Teen Post-Election Havdalah

Join Sam for a chance to process your feelings and put a close to this election cycle by thoughtfully separating this time from what's to come. Email Sam for the […]


NVHC Needs COFFEE! COFFEE = Creators of Fun For Everyone’s Entertainment Who likes having fun? We do! Our Youth Engagement and Education Committee (YEEC) wants to invite all fun-lovin’ folks […]