Distinguished Speaker Series: Roy Austin

The Distinguished Speaker Series Presents... Roy Austin “Race and Policing – Moving Forward” Roy Austin was Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the US Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. In 2014, […]

3rd-12th grade Minecraft Chanukah Celebration

Join us once again in the digital world of Minecraft, this time to celebrate Hanukkah! We'll be together on one server to chat and show off our creations. This event […]

Lights, Music, Chanukah!

We gather on Zoom to conclude Shabbat with Havdalah and a Chanukah celebration! We will light our chanukiyot together, sing Chanukah songs, and hear Chanukah music and reflections from Kol Shirah! Check […]

Chanukah Chullabaloo

Join us from your car on FM radio in NVHC's parking lot to sing songs, light our communal chanukiyah, wear your ugly Chanukah sweaters (or leggings, socks, headbands...), receive a goodie bag from NVHC, and receive delicious doughnuts from a local donut truck! Can't join us on NVHC? Join us on Zoom! Check your NVHC email for the […]