**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** This Sukkot, we're going to be building our Sukkahs in the virtual world of Minecraft! We will be able to come together on one server to chat and show off our creations. Join us […]
**While NVHC's building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.**
**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** Kehillat Limmud is our religious school program for children in Kindergarten-7th grade. Click here to learn more! Kindergarten & 1st Grade 9:45-10:00 - T'filah or Music 10:00-10:30 - Judaics & Activities 10:45-11:15 - […]
**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** The sukkah and the snack may be up to you this year, but Miss Nell will lead children in song and share a Sukkot story! Please join us on Zoom for an interactive […]
**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** An NVHC Happy Hour Event - The Wine Outlet will teach us about a selection of wines while we also enjoy recommended cheeses and crackers that pair with those wines! Join us on […]
**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** Small Group Mid-Week Hebrew gives our 3rd-6th grade students a chance to connect and continue their Hebrew studies during the week and is part of our Kehillat Limmud (religious school) curriculum. To learn […]
**While NVHC's building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.**
**While NVHC’s building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** Small Group Mid-Week Hebrew gives our 3rd-6th grade students a chance to connect and continue their Hebrew studies during the week and is part of our Kehillat Limmud (religious school) curriculum. To learn […]
Join us every Friday to celebrate Shabbat - to sit back, take a breath, and truly pause to enjoy the peace that is this weekly gift. To learn more about Shabbat at NVHC, click here. During this special Erev Shabbat service, we will also celebrate Simchat Torah! Our NVHC clergy are planning a joyous evening […]
with Elizabeth Lacher Tuesdays, beginning October 13 for 12 weeks 6:15-7:15pm $135 for members, $185 for non-members Prerequisites: Prayer Hebrew 1 or equivalent. Registration is required. Minimum 3 students. Click here to register. Build on basic reading skills, expand vocabulary, and introduce Hebrew grammar concepts. This class would be appropriate for those who know how […]
with Yehudit Gerrig Wednesdays, 12 weeks through March 17 5:30-6:30 pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: None. Please note this is a continuation of the class from the fall. Knowledge of some Hebrew letters is helpful, not not required. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. Learn to read Hebrew […]
with Yehudit Gerrig Wednesdays, 12 weeks through March 17 6:30-7:30pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew or equivalent. Knowledge of the Aleph Bet and basic Hebrew decoding skills. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. In this class, we will continue to build upon Aleph Isn’t Tough, increasing our […]
with Yehudit Gerrig Wednesdays, 12 weeks through March 17 7:30-8:30pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew II or equivalent. Basic modern Hebrew reading and decoding skills. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. In this class, we will continue to build upon previous courses, increasing our modern Hebrew vocabulary […]
with Elizabeth Lacher Thursdays, beginning October 15 for 12 weeks 7:00-8:00pm $145 for members, $195 for non-members Registration is required. Minimum 3 students. Click here to register. Prerequisites: Biblical Hebrew 3 or equivalent. Learn to translate Torah from Hebrew. Students should have advanced knowledge of Biblical Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. Text: The First Hebrew Primer.
Join us every Friday to celebrate Shabbat - to sit back, take a breath, and truly pause to enjoy the peace that is this weekly gift. Our service this Friday is part of our Pulpit and the Pew experiment. One of the goals of Rebuilding Democracy has been the promotion of viewpoint diversity. At the […]
with Andrew Stein Sundays, October 18, 25; November 8, 15; December 6, 13; January 10, 17, 24, 31; February 7, 21, 28; March 7, 14, 21; April 11, 18, 25; May 2, 16, 23 In the Eleh Ezkerah on Yom Kippur, the prayer for martyrs, the machzor says, “we remember them as human beings defined by their moral choices, […]
**While NVHC's building is closed, Book Club will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** This class is for parents of students who […]
with Rabbi Michael Holzman Tuesdays, October 20; November 10, 24; December 8; January 12, 26; February 9, 23; March 9, 23; April 13, 27; May 25 7:30-9:00pm Jewish text, tradition, […]
with Rabbi Michael Holzman Fridays, October 23, November 20, December 18, January 15, March 19, April 23, May 21 8:15-9:30am Every group, especially whole communities, need to have a way to organize and govern themselves. Throughout our history, both when Jews controlled territory in the land of Israel, and during the many centuries of diaspora […]
The Mishpacha Project is a new and innovative way for families to engage in Judaism together, as a family unit. This program will provide educational and social opportunities for families to build authentic relationships around Jewish education and identity building. In small groups, families will engage in programming that focuses on Jewish ritual moments and […]
As Election Day approaches, we are well aware of our civic duty to vote and encourage other people to vote (you can sign up for our 100% voter participation pledge here), but our responsibility as citizens extends beyond voting, which is why we are inviting you to attend an NVHC experiment, From Fear to Fortitude: […]
with Sam Blum Film Club makes its triumphant return! One Wednesday a month, we’ll gather to trade trivia facts, discuss film technique, and dive deep into films both famous and indie. The schedule for the remainder of 2020 is below, along with a link to stream, buy, or rent each film. October 28 – The […]
**While NVHC's building is closed, all programs will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.** One of the cornerstones of our Rebuilding Democracy Project, Great Texts of America gives us the opportunity to study the foundational texts of our country using the same skills and devices we use to […]